Today’s Run: Storms, Frogs & Girls

In an effort to document my thoughts while I’m out running (because that’s always the big question when someone learns that you run distance), here’s how it went down today. I began the run excited to get rained on. It’s been a while since I ran in a nice downpour, …

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Today’s Run: For Boston

According to my training schedule, I should’ve been swimming or biking today. But I chose a run instead. The Boston bombings are still fresh on my mind. I don’t have answers or explanations; mostly, just more questions. But my brain can’t help but to go into overdrive when something like …

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Today’s Run: Little League Baseball

There’s a Little League baseball complex less than a mile from my house. When I left for my run this evening, 2 games were being played: One by the real youngsters, just big enough to start pitching to themselves. The other kids were a few years older, just starting to …

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Today’s Run: Friends, Dogs & Family

This is the first post in a new series I’m calling “today’s run.” My mind is often at its most active when I’m out on a run. And I’d like to share some of those thoughts with the world. Today’s run took longer to develop than it should have. Between …

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